
Elvis Hearts

Elvis Presley sang ‘Treat me like you really should, ’cause I am not made of wood, and I don’t have a wooden heart.’ This song was popular long before my time, but it was enjoyed by millions who lived through that era. I made one of these wooden hearts once as a birthday present for… Read More Elvis Hearts


Bead Hearts

I once made loads of heart-themed decorations for a craft market. These beaded hearts were a winner and remain so. Make a heart-shaped mould that you can use over and over again. Recycled items: solid block of wood, at least 20 cm thick and an area large enough to accommodate the wire template beads of… Read More Bead Hearts


Pom-pom Heart

These little hearts are like jam in a pantry. When you make one you can easily make ten. Keep them in a safe place and whenever you make up a gift or prepare a meal for someone, add a heart to make it extra special this month   Recycled items: Pom-poms String, ribbon or wool… Read More Pom-pom Heart


String Heart Stirrer

                        Spoil your loved ones with this simple idea. Recycled items: Polystyrene heart String Wooden kebab stick You will also need: scissors fabric glue red food colouring Method: Place the kebab sticks into a strong red food colouring mixture. Allow to colour overnight. Remove… Read More String Heart Stirrer


Puzzle heart

Recycled items:  Small size old puzzles Left over cardboard fabric Leftover ribbon   Also needed: Pencil Paper scissors Spray paint and a mask Paper glue Method: Draw a heart (the size is yours) onto the cardboard and cut it out. Place the cardboard heart on a flat surface and start to glue the puzzle pieces… Read More Puzzle heart


Wreath in a Frame

I have recently moved to a new house and decide to give most objects in my house a revived look. This mirror was one of the first ones for my daughter’s bedroom. I used an old round frame, that fits neatly into the middle of the oval mirror. Spray painted the outside frame of the… Read More Wreath in a Frame



These strawberries are all made from left over fabric, polyester fibre and felt fabric for the leaves. It is an easy project with instant results. How to make the strawberries Trace around a small plate or bowl on your fabric. Ensure that you have a couple of drawn circles. Use a sharp fabric scissor and… Read More Strawberries