
Clothing Covers

Clothing covers

The following items will be required:

  • White cotton fabric
  • Pins
  • Fabric scissor
  • A sewing machine
  • Iron
  • Fabric marker


  1.   Measure the length of the garment and cut the fabric for the bag according to the measurements.
  2.   Fold the length of fabric in half with right sides together.  Pin it along the two selvedge edges.  Sew a seem along the edge and press it flat with a hot iron. This will form a neat opening.
  3.   Sow a French seem in the bottom of the bag, this will prevent any unsightly or rough edges.
  4.   The top of your garment bag is going to look like a shallow upside-down V, with the tip cut off for the hanger hook to go through.  Just as with the bottom of the bag.  French seam it so that there are no nasty frayed endings. Lay the bag out flat, and carefully smooth it out and center the opening.  Lay a hanger on top of it to use as a guide, with the hook right at the center point along the opening line.
  5.         Mark the line of the hanger on ONE side of the bag using a fabric marker.  Use a straight edge to continue this line to the edge of the garment bag. Use the line as your guide and cut with a fabric scissor.  Fold the bag in half and use the cut line as a guide to cut the other side of the garment bag.
  6.   Then fold, press and stitch the straight edges on the front and back of the garment bag.
  7.   Now that the center hole where the clothes hanger hook will pass through is finished, it’s time to do the French seam on the top edge.  Make sure that it’s on the wrong side, the opening should face out and centered on the garment bag, sew a narrow seam along the edge on both sides of the finished edges for the hook hole
  8.    Turn your garment bag right side out, press, and use to protect your prettiest garment.

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