
Paperball Heart

Recycled items:

Left over red stripy tissue paper

Heart shape cookie cutter

You will also need:

PVA or wall paper glue

Plate covered with cling film


  1. Tear tissue paper in squares of about 10cm by 10cm. You will need about 20.
  2. Place the heart shape on a plate covered with cling film.
  3. Pour the glue into a plate and, working on a flat surface with one sheet of tissue paper at a time, apply a layer of glue over the entire sheet with your hands or a brush. Scrunch the sheet into a small ball and place it in the cookie cutter shape.
  4. Continue this process until you have filled the shape. Leave to dry for a day.
  5. Remove the shape and turn it upside down to allow the bottom part to dry.
  6. You can frame this little heart as a gift for your love ones or use it as a decoration.

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